Our Mission
The Australian Review of Public Affairs is a place to
reflect upon and evaluate the design and redesign of Australia’s
public policies and institutions, as well as Australia’s
relations and responsibilities in the broader world community.
To this end, the Australian Review of Public Affairs aims
to stimulate the discussion of fresh, innovative approaches to
a diverse range of issues.
Examples of these issues include economic policy, public sector
governance, international relations, labour and workplace issues,
business and finance, social policy, education, health, science
and technology, urban and regional affairs, the environment, the
arts, the media and law.
The Editors encourage submissions of concrete proposals for change—as
well as evaluations of recent developments—in these and other
relevant areas. At the same time, we welcome contributions that
re-examine and challenge the deeper, more pervasive assumptions
underpinning contemporary approaches to these issues. From time
to time we will also solicit articles on specified themes.
In advancing its mission, the Australian Review of Public
Affairs will
take advantage of the possibilities presented by new media. In
so doing, it will also build upon the recognised conventions of
traditional print journals and magazines.
The Australian Review of Public Affairs is not captive to
any defined ideology, beholden to any commercial interest, nor
dominated by an entrenched opinion elite. While it is founded in
the belief that there are no ‘sacred cows’, we insist
this does not mean ‘anything goes’. We expect contributions
to be constructive, based on evidence and reasoned argument, and
to refrain from grandstanding or sloganeering. Journal articles
are subject to a process of anonymous review.
The Australian Review of Public Affairs believes the
discussion of matters of widespread significance should be accessible
to all.
We ask contributors to use clear, direct language, and to avoid
jargon. The current contents of the Australian Review of Public
Affairs are provided freely for individual and non-profit
educational use.
In keeping with our open access mission, authors retain copyright in published articles. The Australian Review of Public Affairs asks only for a license to publish an author’s article as the first publisher. While articles are free for educational use, other uses depend on the author’s permission. An author is obliged to acknowledge the Australian Review of Public Affairs as a source and to include the URL of their article if and when they seek to republish the article on other platforms. Further, authors are charged neither submission nor processing fees.